As I've stated previously I don't want to exclusively bash LSU fans on this site because I enjoy the state of Louisiana enough to want to be able to return to it one day. Drive-thru daquiris, endless tailgating, and spicy, meat-based meals aren't easy to come by in the rest of the country. Y'all keep doing your thing, you batshit crazy, French Common law influenced champions of l-i-v-i-n. Louisianans live life with a fervor and gusto that shouldn't be punished, but having said that there plenty of fanbases ripe for derision.
We're far from the first to point out laughable tendancies like the track suit thing. In his book Dixieland Delight, Clay Travis coined the term "Bama bangs" and noted their spread throughout the southeastern USA. He also made note of Florida's coeds and the unusual amount of fat they carry on the backs of their arms, now lovingly referred to as "bingo wings." In this post from the EDSBS archives Spencer and the commenter army compile quite a list, including Georgians with red slacks and Florida State's unusual fancy for Toby Keith. Gator jorts like the ones on The Tebow Child above have been covered by most including the aptly named DenimJorts, who refers to them as "knee jeans."
So spread the hate. Let us know what group you mock behind their unknowing backs at purpletracksuit@gmail.com.
Where to begin? I find it hard to believe that ANYONE could think they look bad ass in 2010 wearing jean shorts (knee jeans)circa 1995 and sandals. I can assure you that he is NOT my role model and, at no point in my life, will I strive to be that "cool."